Filtering by Tag: indie music

I May Surprise You...

I have a loud voice, the kind that can wake up a whole house and sometimes when I find something really hysterical I have a laugh that sounds like a scream (I kid you not). I’ve always felt best in bold red lips and sexy over the top rockstar outfits, I loathe beige. But there is still a huge part of me that wants to “fit in” eww admitting that feels yucky! I can’t even tell you how many times I’ve shrunk myself because I was afraid people wouldn’t like me. Everytime I did this it killed me a little more inside until I felt like no one knew the real me… 

I’m tired of hiding. It’s exhausting to spend most of your time worrying about what other people think of you and I just don’t have the energy to do it anymore (thank f$cking God). My favourite artists are the ones who push buttons and boundaries and I love them for that. Musicians like David Bowie, Prince, and Lady Gaga help liberate us all with their wacky, bold and fearless music! I have always longed to be like that but have never given myself permission until now to break down my walls of fear. 

I am very lucky to have some amazing mentors, co-writers and teachers in my life who challenge me to step out of my comfort zone and boldly be who I am. It’s messy and vulnerable but it’s also incredibly freeing! You're gonna be seeing and hearing new things outta me. I may surprise you… I might even shock you… but I might just set you free!